Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Tiger in my House

Over 36 years ago,I fell in love with my tiger. Elaine was, and still is , sleek,beautiful,and can be a force to reckoned with. I watched the tiger, at The Houston Zoo, with an admiration only a husband could apreciate. She was taking a nap as a jerk was throughing rocks into her moat. Her only response was to raise her tail and flick it gently. On cue, the dutiful husband came to the water's edge, and stared at the inconvient human on the far side. He yawned with all the excitement of a four year old deprived of his nap. He stood sideways to reveal his massive size, and proceeded to walk slowly to the water's edge. This was the cue, Captain Jerk, used to make a graceless exit. Screaming like a baby, he declared the tiger was coming to eat him. Rocks didn't seem to be a great weapon against a thousand pound beast. I did look down to see a 15 foot water filled moat,with the most beautiful electric fence just above it. I was the loan survivor standing on the observation platform. The great beast swam to me, and swam back when he realized the offender had left. He exited the water, shook himself dry and walked pass the female. She raised her tail,flicked it, and resumed her nap. She waisted no words. The Tigress,inspired the composite Reflective. Elaine is the one, who thinks her way through life's little roadbumps. She always has a thoughtful response. I am truly blessed to be married to my tiger.

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Blind Puffin.

This little fellow was rescued at Seward, Alaska, in The Alaska Aquatic Center. What I thought was a beautiful red eyed bird was actually a very wonderful blinded Puffin. Instead of being seal bait; he lives a very calm life in the Aquatic Center. This picture speaks wonders of the need to value life. I am no bleeding heart, but I do fight the great demon cancer on a daily basis. I think this Puffin represents the least of these, very well. He is a great symbol for the beauty of compassion


About Me

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Sugar Land, Texas, United States
Traveling Radiation Therapist who happens to love Photography and is on a budget,a very low budget