Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Love of a Goose

There are many birds that bring on warm fuzzy feelings, and some that represent eternal love. We get mushy over doves and swans when we think of love. Cardinals,Blue Birds,Cranes, and herons bring a splash of beauty into the world. my money goes to the Canada Goose. Yes they are noisy and messy,and that makes them bad neighbors. May I always love you Elaine as a goose loves his mate. He will offer to exchange his life for her,and if she is wounded will not leave her side. They are intensely involved with their young, and care for their neighbors. they are loyal to last, and share their burdens equally. You might pick an eagle or hawk, but for my money give me a goose. The goose is always in love with his mate, and she will have beauty eternally. may I always strive to live to the standards of a goose, and be substantially neater.

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Blind Puffin.

This little fellow was rescued at Seward, Alaska, in The Alaska Aquatic Center. What I thought was a beautiful red eyed bird was actually a very wonderful blinded Puffin. Instead of being seal bait; he lives a very calm life in the Aquatic Center. This picture speaks wonders of the need to value life. I am no bleeding heart, but I do fight the great demon cancer on a daily basis. I think this Puffin represents the least of these, very well. He is a great symbol for the beauty of compassion


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Sugar Land, Texas, United States
Traveling Radiation Therapist who happens to love Photography and is on a budget,a very low budget